Calculation / formula on data within Workshop

I have an object set that determines an output based on 3 columns values. Let’s say column 1 is a money value and column 2 is a year value. These two values divided determine the output and specific number value.

How would I have a user input different numbers and also have the output change? Is there a way to input a specific formula within Workshop?

I have researched this and determined there are functions and scenarios? What would be the fastest and best way to do have an interactive dashboard for users to change the output?

I attempted scenarios and functions

Question originally asked by Foundry_Users on Stack Overflow: (palantir foundry - Calculation / formula on data within Workshop - Stack Overflow)

If you’re using Workshop to create a dashboard, try using Quiver Dashboards instead. They’re purpose-built for building interactive dashboards with objects and object sets.

Answer originally provided by Ontologize on Stack Overflow: (palantir foundry - Calculation / formula on data within Workshop - Stack Overflow)