Expand y-axis palantir foundry workshop chart to see all the name

as stated, how can I expand y-axis chart in Palantir foundry workshop to see all the name? I couldnt find a way to do that.

Question originally asked by Pithit on Stack Overflow: expand y-axis palantir foundry workshop chart to see all the name - Stack Overflow

In the plot layer config panel you could set the X-axis Property limit to a very high number (e.g. 5,000). This section of the config will be called the X-axis Property regardless of the chart’s orientation. However, this won’t get you “all” of the results if you have a large number of results, but it will display quite a few.

screenshot showing how to change the limit property

So, basically, there is nothing we can do to display the full names in Y-axis since the adjustment is done internally, right? For instance, if we got a large numbers of results, we need to delimit them to a certain number so the data can be displayed properly.


Jul 11, 2023 at 14:39

  • I think I may have misinterpreted your question. I thought you were primarily asking about seeing more items on the y-axis but it sounds like you’re actually seeking to display the full names of the items on the y-axis. Is that right? I don’t think Workshop gives you that level of customization. One option that might be to create a Vega Plot in Quiver and embed that chart in Workshop.


Jul 12, 2023 at 15:11

Answer originally provided by Ontologize on Stack Overflow: expand y-axis palantir foundry workshop chart to see all the name - Stack Overflow